About Hanover Township PBA 128

The Hanover Township PBA Local #128 was formed on March 7, 1957, by a group of police officers that were way ahead of their time. These officers knew there was a need to organize and form a union to give the officers the power to negotiate for more favorable working conditions and other benefits through collective bargaining. Hanover Twp. PBA has been established for 66 years and the members that make up the union are dedicated to protect and serve the residents of Hanover Township.
For 66 years. the Hanover Township Policeman's Benevolence Association Local #128 has been representing and supporting the police officers of the Hanover Township Police Department as well as other police officers, Policeman's Benevolence Associations. charities, and organizations in Whippany, Cedar Knolls, and anywhere else where their assistance is needed. The Hanover Township PBA sponsors a little league baseball team each year, provides an annual scholarship to a deserving student, and also donates to needy families, schools or organizations.
Executive Board 2024
President: Erik Woodruff
Vice President: Michael Puskas
Treasurer: Carlos Najera
Secretary: Bryan Pilipie
Delegate: Joshua Williams